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Setting Window Size/Location

PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:16 pm
by Louis.Winter
We have a form that is shown as a MODAL_DIALOG. I want to be able to persist the size/location of this form. Saving the size/location works fine but I have run into some issues with resizing the form once it's shown. The issue is that the form is shown with a specific initial size, and it can be resized bigger but cannot be resized smaller than the size that is set before showing the form. This is an overview of what I am doing now:

Code: Select all
var win = application.createWindow(controller.getName(), JSWindow.MODAL_DIALOG);
win.resizable = true;
/* x, y, width, and height are retrieved using application.getUserProperty() */
win.setInitialBounds(x, y, width, height);;

The window is shown with the correct size/location and the window is resizable, I just want the user to be able to resize the window smaller than the size it was initially shown. Am I missing something?