We are using Servoy for an order management app. Within this app there is a button for the user to click to export orders to our ERP system.
This export button, when clicked, launches a headless client. We then use object.queueMethod() to launch a function within this headless client. This function then launches a custom written exe on the servoy server with application.executeProgram which exports orders from our database to our erp system. The output from this exe is captured by the headless client and displayed to the user through a callback function.
This all works fine usually.
However, for other reasons, we've had to switch to using a batch file on the servoy server which uses psexec to launch the exe directly on the server for our erp in order to run the export. The export runs fine and the orders are moved as expected but oddly not all of the output is captured from the exe. Commonly only 1 line of output is captured. Sometimes, rarely, no output is returned.
When the batch file is ran directly from the servoy server all output is returned as expected. Just when running within the headless the output is behaving oddly.
Any idea what would cause the headless client to truncate the output?
I should add this output is written to a log file on the server also. The log file reflects the truncated export when running from the headless client and correctly shows the full output when running directly on the servoy server.