I'm following the servoy video "Drag and Drop within and between data grids" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_T7qEJfXEp8
and found that it does not work on my installation. The result is either nothing, nothing with warnings or an error of mismatched type.
The difference to the video that I noticed is that in the most recend version the parameter calls for an array and that the paramaeter is in plural with an "s" at the end:
- Code: Select all
* Called when a row is dropped as a result of a drag-n-drop.
* @param {Array<JSRecord>} sourceRecords
* @param {JSRecord} targetRecord
* @param {JSEvent} event
Leaving the paramaters as they are or changing them to whats in the video does not work.
The developer also gives out a warning:
- Code: Select all
The property sort_key is undefined for the type JSRecord
or an error
- Code: Select all
TypeError: Cannot call method "sort" of undefined
Does anyone have any clue on this?