jcarlos wrote:
I use MySQL InnoDB, but the Full-text indexes can be used only with MyISAM tables. I'm thinking of having the slave as a MyISAM database, so that I could easily direct read queries to this suitable Full-text searchable database. I'll do this if the setup is easy. My other alternative is SmartDoc, although it's more work than just using MyISAM. Also, I cannot used MyISAM as the main/CRUD back-end database because it is not ACID.
Thanks. JC
Not really knowing all your requirements, but if Full-text indexes are your main goal why not just continue with a Master InnoDB /Slave MyISAM and setup a separate server connection in servoy for the queries that require Full-text? Do the search on the MyISAM table, then go back to the InnoDB with a .loadRecords([pk]) type of thing, surely not *all* your searches need Full-text? See what I have below. Automatic read/write splitting can introduce a whole world of headaches, replication latency being a huge one when a future write action depends on the results of a previous read.
(just writing this off the top of my head, so there may be syntax errors)
- Code: Select all
slave_foundset = databaseManager.getFoundSet("slave-conn", "a_table");
master_foundset = databaeManager.getFoundset("master-conn", "a_table");
if (slave_foundset.find())
slave_foundset.some_col = "something to search for"
if (slave_foundset.search() > 0) {
var pks = databaseManager.getFoundSetDataProviderAsArray(slave_foundset, "table_pk")