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Reloading HTML_AREA on the fly

PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 11:16 am
by nathan.king
This is a question for web client. I'm passing in data to a variable dynamically to be shown through charts in a HTML_AREA. Trouble is that the HTML_AREA doesn't refresh when the data changes (or sometimes even when it's loaded for the first time) so it just remains blank. Manually refreshing the page will show the charts, but I'd like to force a refresh. Anyone know how I might achieve this?

Re: Reloading HTML_AREA on the fly

PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 11:23 am
by sovanm
I have faced a similar situation while showing chart. What I have done is refreshed the page using the web client utils plugin.

Code: Select all

It is doing the reload, showing the charts..

But, It will be nice if we can refresh the HTML AREA after modifying the HTML of that element.

Please share your thoughts.


Re: Reloading HTML_AREA on the fly

PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 11:26 am
by nathan.king
Thanks Sovan, that worked perfectly! It would be very nice if we would refresh the html area after modifying the html, but that code will do just fine until we can get that kind of functionality.

Thanks again :)

Re: Reloading HTML_AREA on the fly

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2014 11:58 am
by poyel
If you want to avoid the refresh of the page (you can have problem with dataprovider value, ...) you can create a callback that refresh only the html area insted of the entire page or much better you can execute the javascript code that create the chart directly with the web_client_utils.