Duplicate UUIDs error when editing globals.js

Questions, tips and tricks and techniques for scripting in Servoy

Duplicate UUIDs error when editing globals.js

Postby drookwood » Wed May 27, 2020 10:16 am

A number of times recently, when editing methods in globals.js the auto complete adds a close bracket that is not wanted (seems to happen with a copy/paste of code mostly) and then, even if I delete it again (even if I act quickly!) I suddenly get a huge number of red flags against most of the other methods in globals.js with the errors saying duplicate UUIDs and duplicate method names found.

Description Resource Path Location Type
Duplicate method found "admin_removeImportBatch" in Flow360.globals. globals.js /Flow360 Line 81339 Duplicate Name Problems
Duplicate method found "admin_removeImportBatch" in Flow360.globals. globals.js /Flow360 Line 81339 Duplicate Name Problems
Duplicate method found "admin_resetStaskJoinsTotals" in Flow360.globals. globals.js /Flow360 Line 81245 Duplicate Name Problems
Duplicate method found "admin_resetStaskJoinsTotals" in Flow360.globals. globals.js /Flow360 Line 81245 Duplicate Name Problems

If I search for the supposed duplicates there are none - you can see it is mostly reporting a duplicate at the same line number!

Sometimes I can get rid of the errors by undoing the code changes but not always. I try refresh with no luck, I close down developer and restart - no change.

How do I get rid of these errors that don't actually exist? and what can I change to stop this happening again?
David Rookwood

SAN Developer
Posts: 290
Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2003 7:08 pm
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