Styling a Data Grid cell of type COMBOBOX

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Styling a Data Grid cell of type COMBOBOX

Postby huber » Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:57 pm

With the help of the Browser Inspector I try to style a Data Grid cell of Type COMBOBOX. This cell is in different Browser differently displayed.

In Safari, and Google Chrome for example the combobox cell looks like in the screenshots below. I would like to replace the shown images with arrows (or whatever it is that is shown), but can't find the corresponding property.
As the display of the combobox is Browser specific, I assume it must be something like -webkit-??? or -moz-???

An additional problem is, that one has to double click to get the combobox attached value list. How to do it with one click?

Thanks in advance for any hints.

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Robert Huber
7r AG, Switzerland
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Re: Styling a Data Grid cell of type COMBOBOX

Postby seain » Wed Feb 21, 2024 2:55 am

The combobox implementation in Servoy's NG-Grid uses the <select> element. Browser's render this uses the OS style and only has very limited CSS capabilities. Servoy would need to implement the combobox differently to allow developers complete control over styling.

Regarding the double click, even withe the grid option singleClickEdit = 'true', it still requires one click to begin edit mode then another to open the value list.

We also ran into this issue, so unless someone else knows a work-around, I think the only solution is a feature request for a custom combobox in NG-Grid. Considering they've already done this for Typeahead, I'd think it wouldn't be too difficult.
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Re: Styling a Data Grid cell of type COMBOBOX

Postby huber » Wed Feb 21, 2024 10:38 am


Thanks for your feedback. We very much would appreciate complete CSS control for a Data Grids combobox column, this is from a UI and an implementation point of view for us just a very annoying situation. To get an only somewhat clean display representation, we currently use the type TYPEAHEAD, although it's for our case the wrong type. Not good, functionally wrong and gives us way too much work to make it somewhat to work as needed by teachers, but in no way sufficient and satisfactory.

To need to make a double click is just NOT what our users (any user, I assume) want to do by entering marks and assessments (fast). And then it's also inconsistent with the rest of the behaviour.

I will make a request and hope for a solution.

Robert Huber
7r AG, Switzerland
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