I have a production server running Servoy 8.4 and the Page Expired appears to the users after the session expires in the default 30 minutes (.\application_server\server\conf\web.xml). Then the user much log in again to use the application.
We have upgraded and enhanced our application in Servoy 2019.12.1 on a test server and the web client page never expires. Tested leaving the web client/page open all night. The next day the application is still open (no Page Expired page shown). The session is still active and the application does not require you to log back in.
The only thing I can think of that I have changed in the application for 2019.12.1 related to the expired page is that I added a custom expired page (.\application_server\server\webapps\ROOT\servoy-webclient\templates\default\ServoyExpiredPage.html) and some custom branding in the SAS settings page.
Anyone have any ideas on why the session timeout stopped working and how to get it working again?