Is there an option to keep function name at top of screen

Questions and answers regarding the use of eclipse environment as seen in Servoy Developer

Is there an option to keep function name at top of screen

Postby rafig » Tue Jun 04, 2024 8:27 pm

might be a stupid question and/or the answer might be somewhere here already (but I couldn't find it)

Is there a way in Eclipse to make the name of the function that you are in when scrolling stay at the top of the screen (with line number...) as Visual Studio Code does (but I have no idea what option is set there for that...)

[what I mean is that if I am in the middle of a large function in the editor, I want to see it's name & params stay at top of screen even when I have scrolled past it, or when searching for some text and then jumping to it, I want to see at a glance what function I land in]

See this screen shot
VS Code scroll function heading.png
VS Code Heading
VS Code scroll function heading.png (51.85 KiB) Viewed 821 times

As can be seen, my function name is on line 572, but that has scrolled off & line 574 is now at top, but VS Code still displays function details...

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Re: Is there an option to keep function name at top of scree

Postby rieder » Wed Jun 05, 2024 9:16 am

Hi Rafi

Sticky Scroll is not supported in Eclipse, as far as I know. But similar to this feature is a split editor: Go to menu Servoy > Window > Editor > Toggle Split Editor.

Hope, this helps.

Birgit Rieder
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Re: Is there an option to keep function name at top of scree

Postby hilgers » Wed Jun 05, 2024 11:37 am

Hi Rafi,

not exactly what you were asking for but...
if you keep an "outline" view open it will highlight the current function + it's parameters

Joachim Hilgers
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Re: Is there an option to keep function name at top of scree

Postby rafig » Wed Jun 05, 2024 2:57 pm

Thank you both Birgit & Jo
shame that 'sticky scroll' isn't supported (and thanks for clarifying what it was called :wink: )
Both great suggestions though :D
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