Can't generate repository

Questions and answers regarding the use of eclipse environment as seen in Servoy Developer

Can't generate repository

Postby Foobrother » Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:39 pm

Hi everybody,

I have a new problem!
I need to have 2 solutions in my Developer. I need to checkout the first one (lets call it Solution A) from another server (lets call it Server A) and import, then checkout, the 2nd solution (lets call it Solution B) into/from a 2nd server (actually the local Developer's machine. Lets call it Server B).

So, I have checked out the Solution A into Developer. To do that I have created, in Developer, the "repository_server" connection linked to the Server A.
Once checked out, I have deleted this "repository_server" connection to create a new one linked to my local database (Server B) which is empty.
I have restarted Developer. But nothing happened when I've tried to generate the repository to make the server service run and then be able to import Solution B.
Normally you right click on the "Solutions" and a pop-up window appears saying that your repository is empty and need to be populated. You click ok and it generates it.
But I can't manage get this window. Is that because I already have Solution A (which is from another repository)?

I've also tried to do "Synchronize with DB server information" and create the tables like that. But it didn't work.
In Servoy logs I get:
2009-07-30 12:38:01,532 ERROR [WrapperSimpleAppMain] com.servoy.j2db.util.Debug - Cannot upgrade repository: make a backup of your repository and start server with -upgradeRepository flag.

How do I start the server with -upgradeRepository flag ?
Current configuration: Servoy 5.2.6 Build 1011, Java 6u24, PostgreSQL 8.3, Windows Server 2003

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Re: Can't generate repository

Postby Gabi Boros » Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:24 pm


if I understand, you want to have 2 solutions in your workspace, one from a remote server,
and one from the local repo, that is initially a copy of the remote solution.
you can have this by :
- checkout remote solution;
- unshare(remove team) from remote solution;
- make a copy of that solution in your workspace;
- share the copy with "localhost" repository, commit (make sure your local repo is team provider);
- share (re-share) your remote solution with the remote server;

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