by ptalbot » Wed May 13, 2009 2:49 am
Hi Adrian,
if you use the Navigator view (Window -> Show View -> Other... then General -> Navigator - you can drag it in the same pane as the Servoy "Solution Explorer"), you can open as many resources as you want, even if the solutions/modules are not related/open in the solution explorer.
Just remember that .obj = a Servoy "object" (a form or a field on a form, a relation, etc.) and .js are the scripts.
You can open them!
At first it can seem a bit confusing but you will quickly learn to navigate inside your solutions this way, knowing that each solution will appear as a project folder.
In the project folder , you will likely find "solution_settings.obj" (the solution identifier), "globals.js" (your globals functions and vars), "rootmetatdata.obj" (your solution preferences)
You will also find a few folders with self explanatory names : "forms", "medias", "relations", "valuelists" - ".stp" is the Servoy Developer cache
In the "forms" folder, you will find a "xxxx.obj" file and a corresponding folder for each forms, the .obj here is your form, open it and it will open just like it would if you choose "Open in form designer". In the corresponding folder, you will find a xxxx_method.js for your method forms and plenty of ".obj" files for each of the object on your form, some of them with the names you gave, some of them with a generic name "sv_" + the Uuid of he object + ".obj", they all are property files (they look like some kind of JSON serialized form to me)
So that's it, that's how you will be able to open as many objects, forms, scripts as you like, related or not!
As for the "Working set" they are a powerful way of organizing your projects in the Navigator (or Java Package) view, when you have lots of solutions and want to avoid the clutter they help grouping projects together.
Hope this helps,
Patrick Talbot
Freelance - Open Source - Servoy Valued Professional
https://www.servoyforge.netVelocity rules! If you don't use it, you don't know what you're missing!