TIP: how to start your Servoy 4.0 Developer with console

Questions and answers regarding the use of eclipse environment as seen in Servoy Developer

TIP: how to start your Servoy 4.0 Developer with console

Postby pbakker » Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:30 pm

In 3.5, when you would start Servoy Developer using the .bat file (on windows) you would get a command Window, that, depending on your log settings in the servoy.properties would show you additional information.

You could for example get all the info you normally only get in the Server log on the Admin pages also into the command window.

In 4.0, you can achieve this the following way:
1: change the servoy.ini file from
Code: Select all
--launcher.XXMaxPermSize 256M
Code: Select all
--launcher.XXMaxPermSize 256M

2: To get the output send to the command window as well, edit the following line in servoy.properties from:
Code: Select all
log4j.rootCategory=INFO, file, configservlet
Code: Select all
log4j.rootCategory=INFO, file, configservlet, stdout

3: To set the output to TRACE level (you will get a log of data), change the following two lines in servoy.properties:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all

Hope this helps,

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