"Building" Progress sticks when opening Eclipse

Questions and answers regarding the use of eclipse environment as seen in Servoy Developer

"Building" Progress sticks when opening Eclipse

Postby Detox » Fri May 28, 2010 2:43 pm

Hello All!

I am not sure if this the the right place for this, So if it is not, please direct me to the right one.....

Server is running Centos 5.3 , Java JDK 1.5.0-14. SqlAnywhere v 10 (server has 4 gig ram and 2.4 DuelCore CPU -- is Dell Powedge 840)

Has ran Servoy v 3.12 with 40 clients connected splendidly with no problems. Archived Servoy 3.12 and totally removed the folder.
Installed Servoy 5.3 selecting inclusion of the database features to get SqlAnywhere 11.
Installs fine and once I figured out how to get the dbsrv11 to start, developer opens fine.
Shut everything down, added my DB's from Servoy 3.5, doing the migration as specified in docs. Opened Developer and all DB's are accessable.
Read I must import solutions from 3.5 via servoy-admin page in servoy-application server. So I closed developer, opened the server, went to admin page and imported all my solutions created in Servoy 3.12 with no errors.

Closed servoy-application server, made sure dbsrv11 was also closed. reopened developer.

Here is the problem.... when I open developer (/servoy/developer/servoy.sh) it takes a really long time.
Then when eclipse finally opens, on the bottom I get a notice that it is "Building" and the numbers in yellow show "34 of 60 M"
And there it sits.... the CPU will ramp up to 100% and nothing else happens.

Now, this began AFTER I imported my solutions.....

What should I do?
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Re: "Building" Progress sticks when opening Eclipse

Postby jcompagner » Fri May 28, 2010 5:10 pm

can you go to the admin pages and dump the stack when the developer is so busy?
Johan Compagner
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Re: "Building" Progress sticks when opening Eclipse

Postby Detox » Sat May 29, 2010 4:18 am

no. although I did not think of this,, but I just tried with no results
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Re: "Building" Progress sticks when opening Eclipse

Postby jcompagner » Mon May 31, 2010 9:33 am

which process does take so much cpu?

that 34/60M seems to be memory usage but 60 is way way to little, You just use the native servoy launcher with no arguments?
What does you sevoy.ini say? It should have memory settings.

Else try to upgrade to the latest java 6.
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