Developer 7.44 crashing in Yosemite and wont restart

Questions and answers regarding the use of eclipse environment as seen in Servoy Developer

Developer 7.44 crashing in Yosemite and wont restart

Postby d.pearce1417196993 » Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:46 pm

This has happened twice in the last few weeks on my macbook 12.

Servoy suddenly and for no reason stops responding, then after a force quit it wont restart. I have never seen this before in 10 years of using Servoy.

Tonight I solved the issue by downloading a new version and then replacing the configuration files (all of them) in developer.

I had to reinstall the Subclipse in the new version before moving the config files.

All appears to work fine. I have backed up the whole of the developer config direction in case it happens again.

Annoying though it is, at least i found a way to get things back without reinstalling the whole thing, plugins, attaching to SVN etc.

Anyone else experienced the same issue? Maybe there is one file i need to delete or something instead of the whole folder?

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Re: Developer 7.44 crashing in Yosemite and wont restart

Postby mboegem » Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:33 am

hi David,

Whenever this happens to me, removing the .snap file in the <workspace>/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources folder works for me without exception.
Hope it will work in your situation as well.

(Don't ask how I found this 😉)
Marc Boegem
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Re: Developer 7.44 crashing in Yosemite and wont restart

Postby d.pearce1417196993 » Tue Jul 21, 2015 11:10 am


thats great. I did see something about the metadata somewhere on the internet.

ill try that first next time.

Odd it only has happened on a new machine even though using yosemite on my home mac for over a year.

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Joined: Fri Nov 28, 2014 7:49 pm

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