Disable warning regarding things not available in solutions

Questions and answers regarding the use of eclipse environment as seen in Servoy Developer

Disable warning regarding things not available in solutions

Postby steve1376656734 » Mon Aug 21, 2017 12:58 pm


Does anyone know hot to disable warnings regarding things not being available in solutions of type NG client only. e.g.:

The property styleName is not available in solutions of type NG client only

I have looked in the Eclipse preferences in the Servoy -> Errors/Warnings section but there is nothing relevant.

I want to disable these warnings as i have a module that is relevant to all solution types (and has logic to act accordingly for each type) but if I include that in a solution that is flagged as NG only then I get all these warnings.

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Re: Disable warning regarding things not available in soluti

Postby vschuurhof » Mon Sep 18, 2017 9:36 am

I see that this occurs when you try to access the "styleName" property on a "JSForm" object when the solution is for NG Client only. We support a JSDoc tag called "SuppressWarnings" to suppress specific warnings, but as far as I can see we don't support this specific scenario.

Could you please file a case in our support system (http://support.servoy.com)?
Vincent Schuurhof
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