I finally got Servoy to connect to OpenBase. What I had to do was put for localhost and no port afterwords. I also got Aqua Data Studio to connect the same way.
Once I corrected this in Servoy the DB icon in the DBServer List returned to the normal dark icon color, not light version.
No problems with Aqua Studio, but still some problems with Servoy.
Once I place the fields on the form and veiw it in browse mode I get an error:
"Cannot work without primaryKey on table 'tablename' "
Now I checked the database in OpenBase for primary keys and they all have them. They were auto set to "_rowid".
I also checked the tables in DataProvider of Servoy, they did not list any of the primary key columns, _rowid. A matter of fact, no column that begun with an underscore was shown. Does Servoy have a problem showing column names that begin with underscores?
URL: jdbc:openbase://
Driver: com.openbase.jdbc.ObDriver
Location: /Library/Java/Extensions/OpenBaseJDBC.jar