[ANNOUNCE] PostgreSQL 9.3 released!

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[ANNOUNCE] PostgreSQL 9.3 released!

Postby ROCLASI » Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:32 pm

PostgreSQL 9.3 released!

The PostgreSQL Global Development Group announces the release of PostgreSQL 9.3, the latest version of the world's leading open source relational database system. This release expands PostgreSQL's reliability, availability, and ability to integrate with other databases. Users are already finding that they can build applications using version 9.3 which would not have been possible before.

"PostgreSQL 9.3 provides features that as an app developer I can use immediately: better JSON functionality, regular expression indexing, and easily federating databases with the Postgres foreign data wrapper. I have no idea how I completed projects without 9.3," said Jonathan S. Katz, CTO of VenueBook.

Writable External Data

Version 9.3 makes PostgreSQL's Foreign Data Wrappers writable, enabling two-way data interchange between systems. Today's complex IT environments involve multiple databases and semi-structured data sources, and PostgreSQL helps you integrate them into a coherent stack. The project has also released postgres_fdw, a higher-performance, read/write PostgreSQL-to-PostgreSQL federation driver.

"Writable foreign data wrappers enable us to plug in and seamlessly test various backend alternatives, allowing us to address different needs quickly and prototype intelligently," explained Lee Holloway, Co-founder and Lead Engineer at CloudFlare. "It is exciting to conceive and toss up new data stores (including our in-house experimental ones written in Go) and then watch them read, write, and even transact each other."

Enhanced Reliability and Availability

"Postgres has been my favorite choice for its well known stability, robustness, strong coherency, safety, ACID, and SQL conformance," said Pascal Bouchareine, director of research and development at Gandi.net. "I'm especially excited to hear more about the fast failover coming in 9.3."

This new release includes features to further improve and extend PostgreSQL's well-known reliability and availability:

  • Data Page Checksums: help administrators quickly detect failing disks and bad hardware that corrupts data
  • Fast Failover: enables sub-second switchoffs from master to replica, supporting "carrier-grade" availability
  • Streaming-Only Remastering: easier, faster reconfiguration of cascading replicas after failover

Developer-friendly Features

As with every annual release, PostgreSQL 9.3 includes many features to make working with PostgreSQL easier, more flexible and more fun for application developers, administrators and architects. These features include:

  • Additional JSON constructor and extractor methods
  • Automatically updatable VIEWs
  • Parallel pg_dump to speed backups of large databases
Further, PostgreSQL 9.3's User-Defined Background Workers allow developers to write task managers, request handlers, parallel processors, queuing tools and other helper applications to enable PostgreSQL as a workload coordinator. One example of this already released is Mongres, a background worker which accepts MongoDB queries, interprets them and passes them on to PostgreSQL.


Robert Ivens
SAN Developer / Servoy Valued Professional / Servoy Certified Developer

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] PostgreSQL 9.3 released!

Postby Rene van Veen » Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:10 pm

Hello Robert,

We updated to Postgres 9.3 some time ago, becourse we are interesting in Materialized views.
Did you manage to get it working in Servoy (7.3)?

We have the latested JDBC Driver but the materialized views are not visable in Servoy.
Also had contact with Servoy and they marked it as a new Feature.
Rene van Veen
Distri Data - http://www.distridata.nl
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Re: [ANNOUNCE] PostgreSQL 9.3 released!

Postby ROCLASI » Tue Dec 03, 2013 1:22 pm

Hi Rene,

I did some testing and Servoy doesn't show the materialized view. This is because Servoy only fetches TABLE and VIEW types. Materialized views are a separate table type (MATERIALIZED VIEW) in PostgreSQL. I am not sure if this is the standard way or not.
I see you filed a feature request for it. I added my vote.

Is there anyone else using materialized views in Oracle/SQLServer/DB2/Sybase ASE (not sure ASA supports it) with Servoy?
Or do you at least see your materialized views in Servoy with these platforms?
Robert Ivens
SAN Developer / Servoy Valued Professional / Servoy Certified Developer

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