Cannot create database: null

Questions and answers regarding general SQL and backend databases

Cannot create database: null

Postby blackgryphon9999 » Mon Oct 21, 2013 5:05 pm


I'm teaching an online database course at the college level. One of my students has run into a problem that I don't know how to solve. I'm hoping that someone here on the forum has seen the same thing and knows a fix. He has been trying to create a new database and when he does, Servoy displays the error message "Could not create database: null." He says he has entered a name for the new database so he can't figure out where the "null" might be coming from.

He thought about deleting Servoy and reinstalling, but he says he can't get rid of all the files. There are some files in a temp folder that Windows won't delete because it thinks they are being used by some other program. He's running a 32-bit version of Windows Vista. (I'm a Mac user, which makes trying to help him long distance really, really hard.)

I'd be grateful for any insight you folks might have.

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