Is it possible to call a Servoy Method daily from a stored procedure? Here's why I'm asking.
I want an existing, fairly complex method to run daily at midnight across all the records of a Sybase database, whether or not any end users are currently logged in.
This would be easy to create using the Cron scheduler, but apparently this plug-in only functions from Servoy Client. No clients running, the routine doesn't trigger. Five or 50 users currently logged in and the routine runs five or 50 times -- wild overkill and/or possible conflicts.
It's been recommended I get around this plug-in's limitation by using a SQL stored procedure. Crafting native SQL calls is not a comfortable area for me (which is why I'm working within Servoy).
Therefore, can I make a call from a Sybase stored procedure to run a Servoy method daily at midnight?
Kind regards,