Correct "Driver" for mysql database

Questions and Answers on installation, deployment, management, locking, tranasactions of Servoy Application Server

Correct "Driver" for mysql database

Postby gte451f » Thu May 06, 2004 10:21 pm

I am tinkering with servoy and have a rudimentary solution up and running. I am still impressed at how easy the install and configuration is for a linux neophyte such as myself.

I have a question about the actual server config in preferences though. There is an option called "Driver" where the default value was...

Yet there are several different options that have "mysql" in the driver name. So I am wondering which one is best (Fastest) of the group. Other candidates include....

or possibly even...

I have already gone out to the mysql website and downloaded a new mysql.jar file and put it in the "Drivers" folder under servoy. I am not sure but think that this driver is the one I should select in the preference drop down but am not sure.

Suse 9.0 Linux install
Serveroy 2.0 (Demo)
*Connecting to a local Mysql database for the repository
*Connecting to a remote mysql database for actual solution data (Though I want to try different locations to test speed)
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Postby jcompagner » Mon May 10, 2004 11:39 am

delete the old mysql driver that is shipped with servoy. (i don't know if you have written over it or not)

the right driver name of the new driver is :

Johan Compagner
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