Prefered DB for repository (Linux)?

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Prefered DB for repository (Linux)?

Postby Neale » Thu Mar 11, 2004 7:48 am

Having had a few hassles with MySQL, I'm wondering if it's a good choice for the repository (as distinct from the data, which will live in MySQL).

On Linux, obvious choices are MySQL, Postgresql or firebird (the latter being a totally unknown quantity).

Any suggestions?

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Postby jcompagner » Thu Mar 11, 2004 2:01 pm

what kind of hassles do you have with MySQL?

firebird works also fine under linux. Do you only want free database choices?
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Postby Neale » Thu Mar 11, 2004 10:35 pm

jcompagner wrote:what kind of hassles do you have with MySQL?

a) the general absurdness of Servoy shipping an old driver, not providing an obvious warning and support answers along the lines of "works with current driver".

b) (rather suggests that repository in MySQL is not common).

jcompagner wrote:firebird works also fine under linux. Do you only want free database choices?

Yes (definitely free as in prefered-beverage, preferably free as in speech) ;-)

Our experience includes MySQL and PostgreSQL - coming up to speed on another would be less than ideal. OTOH, if PostgreSQL is not a better choice then we may be best sticking with MySQL for the repository.

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Postby jcompagner » Thu Mar 11, 2004 11:33 pm

a> we could remove the driver completely from the distribution. But for most usage this drivers works fine. We can't ship with the latest driver because of there GPL licence.

b> upgrading is a problem yes in RC9 (we will fix that) but starting clean works ok. I am running it currently myself. Latest versions of mysql and driver (stable)
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Postby Neale » Fri Mar 12, 2004 12:20 am

jcompagner wrote:a> we could remove the driver completely from the distribution. But for most usage this drivers works fine. We can't ship with the latest driver because of there GPL licence.

Shipping with no driver is obviously less than ideal (but would at least make it difficult to not notice the issue). A better compromise may be to make the issue more conspicuous (i.e. finding out that there an issue by way of a "works with latest" response is even more less than ideal).

At the very least, is there any reason why Servoy doesn't provide an obvious pointer to where one gets the latest driver?

jcompagner wrote:b> upgrading is a problem yes in RC9 (we will fix that) but starting clean works ok.

Dare I ask if the fix will be tested with both the "shipped" driver, as well as "latest"?

FWIW, yes I agree that a clean repository in MySQL does indeed appear to work just fine.

jcompagner wrote:I am running it currently myself. Latest versions of mysql and driver (stable)

Sigh, see my point (a) above :-(

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Postby jcompagner » Fri Mar 12, 2004 1:06 am

We discussed that we could make a page on the servoy site where we keep pointers to the drivers of the the different databases.

But if you download mysql then the driver download is on exactly the same page. So that shouldn't be any problem.

What is so problematic to get the latest now. If that works then you don't have to upgrade again and again.. We can't do much about it that mysql is now implementing and fixing things..

But for the most part you don't have the latest mysql version. Anything in 4.0.x release should work fine. But i think you need a bit up to date driver for full support of for example creating relalations that are specified in the database. Because only the latest drivers are returning that kind of info to us.

And i agree that upgrading mysql itself is not that ideal, But upgrading a driver i find a non issue.. it just a copy of one file..

But for exampe the point that you want to make with point B has nothing to do with latest drivers or mysql version. That is just that mysql uses a completely different format of the drop index call then standard sql. And that wasn't handled by our db dependend layer.

there is just one rule if you ask me. If you want to use mysql as youre data server (not repository) then we don't really care what version of mysql or driver you use. Only if you want to use it as a repository server you should use a new version of mysql and a 3.0.x version of the driver.
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