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Servoy Server Solution Very Slow

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 10:51 am
by cuoredisardegna
Hi to All,

could SomeOne resolve this new problem (for us)?

1. -- If a solution is tested using SERVOY DEVELOPER(version, there is not any speed problem, and a specific method is executed istantaneously.

2. -- If the same solution is executed with the same lap top, but coonected to the server (dual core 3gb ram) also as unique CLIENT, You can observe that the same method requires 3 seconds to be executed.
This is a no little problem, therefore the aforesaid method is the most used method of the solution, in order to the dayly work.

Tanks in advance.

Gianni Pinna

Re: Servoy Server Solution Very Slow

PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 2:06 pm
by Andrei Costescu
Are you using smart client?

The difference I see is communication to server. If you methods generates for example lots and lots of DB queries, SC will do lots of server roundtrips. That makes the network ping time/lag more noticeable. In Web Client/NG Client this is not that noticeable as all that will be done as part of one server request. But all this is just a guess...