Deployment to various customer configurations

Questions and Answers on installation, deployment, management, locking, tranasactions of Servoy Application Server

Deployment to various customer configurations

Postby joe26 » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:57 pm

Hi all,

Coming from 7.4.8 to 2020.09 is a bit of a learning curve. There is a different environment for distribution...

How is redeployment of a Servoy application managed where ports differ between customers?

Once a customer is setup, there may be different ports in use due to constraints with other installed applications. It is helpful that the default ports are out of normal range, but for other customers that need a different port config is the issue. How is a war file generated to most efficiently ready the environment for a customer? Particularly, ports and SSL setup. Any way to prepare for an install without a lot of diddling on their site?

Is the customer preconfigured on the developer side and during .war export, those settings are transferred to the war file? Where the keystore can always be renamed to whatever is deployed in the server.xml file, and as a initial install condition, ports and database servers are different for some customers as well. It looks like a template is necessary for various customers. Is this how it is done? Can licensing be handled in the template? Does each customer need a file, or are the differences written to the file, preserving licensing entries and port entries?

Updates to newer Servoy versions are to be managed by replacing the .war file in the webapps directory. It is suggested that first deploy ONLY the Servoy Server and handle the .servoy deployments after that. On an update, undeploy .war and deploy the newer .war if there are server updates or beanie updates, and this results in downtime required for redeployment of the .war file, but the SSL keystore.jks and ports may differ between customers.

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Re: Deployment to various customer configurations

Postby jcompagner » Tue Oct 13, 2020 9:06 am

its not that much different..

servoy's application_server is just a tomcat, that you now install and maintain manually (with the tools of the system)
and you are fully in control of those ports and ssl/https

If you want a fully customer install then you can still do that, just make a zip with a tomcat install (with ports/ssl configured) and a war file of servoy in the WEBAPPS dir)
and unzip that at your customers locations.
(thats what application_server kind of just is)
Johan Compagner
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