Server Log - how to turn off INFO message

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Server Log - how to turn off INFO message

Postby nam.le » Thu Jun 17, 2021 9:31 am

Dear all,
i have the following problem with server log file:
on the server log file (server.log, Wildfly server, WAR deployment, NG client) I found are massively many of INFO statement like this:
2021-06-17 09:22:51,098 INFO [com.servoy.performance.timing.sql] (Executor,uuid:Z2HQELq:2) 923559A4-889A-4B47-BC28-19FFDC3163BA|select creation_datetime, modification_datetime, tenant_name, user_name, role_name, creation_user_name, modification_user_name from user_roles where (user_name = ? and tenant_name = ?) order by role_name asc, tenant_name asc, user_name asc limit ?|0|0
2021-06-17 09:22:51,100 INFO [com.servoy.performance.timing.sql] (Executor,uuid:Z2HQELq:2) 923559A4-889A-4B47-BC28-19FFDC3163BA|select creation_datetime, modification_datetime, tenant_name, user_name, role_name, creation_user_name, modification_user_name from user_roles where (user_name = ? and tenant_name = ?) order by role_name asc, tenant_name asc, user_name asc limit ?|1|1


This make the log file very large and hard to read.
I try to turn off these messages by changing the content of the "j2log.xml" file, but it did not help.

I would very much appreciate any help.
Many thanks in advance
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Joined: Thu Jan 21, 2021 1:32 pm

Re: Server Log - how to turn off INFO message

Postby rgansevles » Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:15 am


In de admin servlet you can disable performance statistics, that should stop this logging http://server:port/servoy-admin/database-performance

If you want performance info in the admin page, but not in the logfile, you can add a line to the log4j.xml:
Code: Select all
<Logger name="com.servoy.performance.timing.sql" level="WARN" />

Rob Gansevles
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