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How to deploy Server

PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 1:21 am
by dlclark6985
We are migrating to a new MAC M2 server. I have installed Servoy for M2 and have been able to start our business application in developer mode.

We need to start the server up: current server uses either JNLP or Web Browser.

Where do I find deployment steps for this?


Re: How to deploy Server

PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 10:25 pm
by swingman
Hi, I assume you have been using an older version of Servoy and the Smart Client.

The modern way of the deploying is to install Tomcat9 (or another similar Java Application server).
Export your solution as a .war file and upload it via the server console on the Tomcat.
The .war file contains a complete servoy server with all the resources it needs.

While this process is different and has a learning curve, it has many advantages.