locale: date format

Questions and Answers on installation, deployment, management, locking, tranasactions of Servoy Application Server

locale: date format

Postby Cain » Sat Dec 04, 2004 6:09 pm

On the Client's Servoy Server, we've set the date format to MM/dd/yyyy.

The Client preference is still dd-mm-yyyy, even on newly downloaded clients.

The European date format is really confusing to our users. Remember, we're the country that has a World Series and doesn't invite other countries. :wink:

It seems I should be able to change the preference in Server and have at least new Clients adopt that preference. Otherwise, what is the preference for on the Server? Does the Server preference not drive the client preference? Or at least set the default? :shock:

What am I missing this time?

Postby bcusick » Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:52 pm

Set the default using the SERVER settings:

Bob Cusick
Posts: 1255
Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2003 11:27 pm
Location: Thousand Oaks, CA USA

Postby Cain » Sat Dec 04, 2004 9:10 pm

I did, Bob. I changed it via the servoy-admin screen, and even double-checked that it got set in the servoy.properities file. Checked that we didn't have multiple copies of that properties file (we did at one point). If you'd like, I can get you connection info back channel and you can see the setting.

For some reason it's still not changing it on the new, or existing clients.

I assume from your post that it should have at least changed the default for the new Client? How about existing?

In any case, it's not doing either. :( Are there any other settings (mySQL, Linux, XP, whatever) that could possibly be overriding this?

Postby bcusick » Sun Dec 05, 2004 5:51 pm

Existing clients - have to modify it in their Preferences.

New clients should behave according to the Server settings. You can dump the Java Cache on a machine (so it thinks that it's never been downloaded before) and try it again.
Bob Cusick
Posts: 1255
Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2003 11:27 pm
Location: Thousand Oaks, CA USA

Postby Cain » Mon Dec 06, 2004 8:15 pm

We just loaded Servoy client on two machines. One had had Servoy on it, but was recently reformatted, and didn't even have Java on it. The other had never had servoy client on it.

Both started with the European date format. I'm looking at the Servoy-Admin screen and it says MM/dd/yyyy. The Servoy server's been restarted multiple times.

I'm at a loss as to what to do next. I could hard-code the date format on any dates I use, or I can have each new client reset preferences, but either of those is an obvious workaround. I'd like to get our Servoy Server to behave as it's supposed to. Any ideas where I could look, here?

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