Bootstrapper on Windows

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Bootstrapper on Windows

Postby swingman » Tue Jul 09, 2019 5:08 pm

HI all,

I'm trying to use the standalone bootstrapper on Windows 10 and Mac OS with Servoy 2019.03. On Mac OS, I found an app called Platypus which allows me to package the bootstrapper and a java JRE 1.8 as an application. This seems to work fine.

What do I use to package the .bat file to run the bootstrapper on Windows with a jre?

BTW. I'm having issues with JavaFX. I have to use the official Oracle JRE as I can't get JavaFX to work on the open versions. This is a stopgap solution until I can move the client over to the NG-Client...
Christian Batchelor
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Re: Bootstrapper on Windows

Postby kwpsd » Wed Jul 10, 2019 2:00 am

Hi, Christian.

We just went through the process of converting to bootstrap.

For Windows, presuming you already have the jre loaded on the client computer, just save the jnlp file to the desktop (shows with the Java coffee cup icon). To launch, double-click the jnlp file. Bootstrap.jar resides on the server in the following path:


folder and does not have to called via a bat file; the jnlp file should also be located here, so that users can download and save it using a URL as follows:


A Windows short cut using your own icon may be created, however, the short cut must use a path to the javaws.exe (Java web start) along with the my_app_name.jnlp file. For example:

Target: "C:\Program Files\Java\jre\bin\javaws.exe" "http://<your_server_name>:8080/my_app_name.jnlp"

Start in: "C:\Program Files\Java\jre\bin"

Change icon: Your icon file must be saved on the client computer. Use the short cut Short Cut -> Properties _-> Change Icon -> Browse button to locate the icon file.

You can also add the path name to where the javaws.exe is located as a Windows environmental variable to simplify the short cut pathname.

One more thing, if double-clicking the jnlp file hangs or aborts, try enabling the following in the Servoy admin page:


Good luck!
Kim W. Premuda
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Re: Bootstrapper on Windows

Postby swingman » Wed Jul 10, 2019 10:35 am

Thank you for this overview,
Christian Batchelor
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Re: Bootstrapper on Windows

Postby lwjwillemsen » Wed Jul 10, 2019 11:41 am

In Servoy 8 you can also use the bootstrap.jar without jnlp / webstart.
In this mode you can use OpenJDK (Java) to run the smart client (without (Oracle) webstart).
Lambert Willemsen
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Re: Bootstrapper on Windows

Postby swingman » Thu Jul 11, 2019 11:15 pm

Hi Lambert,

I tried this, but maybe I had downloaded the wrong jre version -- application.showURL() failed on Mac OS X because something was missing...
I only managed to get it to work with Oracles' Java 8 jre.

For me this is only a temporary solution, winning some time to convert to NG-client...
Christian Batchelor
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