demo gone wrong

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demo gone wrong

Postby RobertMeyer » Mon Jan 12, 2004 7:02 pm

I just tried to demonstrate a servoy application for a
client, and was disappointed that it would not run.

using internet exploerer (under windows), she was able to connect to
my server, download the needed java runtime components,
and finally the servoy files.

after much downloading, she received an error stating
that the repository could not be found (or something
similar to that) and that the repository may not be running
on the server.

on my end, I tried all of this under softwindows (under
mac os 9) and it worked perfectly.

I'd really like to show this to my client, as soon as possible.

can someone help me with this?

thanks in advance
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Postby IT2Be » Mon Jan 12, 2004 7:54 pm

Robert, are your network settings ok?

rmi server hostname
rmi startport etc...

Was/is your server running?

When the above settings are not set the client application won't be able to find your server....
Marcel J.G. Trapman (IT2BE)
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Postby RobertMeyer » Mon Jan 12, 2004 8:26 pm

I believe everything is just the way it should be;
I had a friend connect up to this server over the weekend,
and everything worked well.

my router is set to forward packets from ports 8080 & 1099
to the server machine here in my office.

any thoughts on the error message about not being able
to find the repository? that seems very strange to me.
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Postby IT2Be » Tue Jan 13, 2004 12:48 am

That sure is strange, you could email me your url so I can check tomorrow morning...

Otherwise ask your friend to check again.

BTW is your client behind a firewall, can that be the reason?

Are you behind a firewall and have you opened up the the ports...
Marcel J.G. Trapman (IT2BE)
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Postby RobertMeyer » Tue Jan 13, 2004 1:00 am


I'm behind a firewall, but the ports (1099 & 8080) are setup
and permitted to passthru.

my client is in a large company, and most certainly behind
a firewall of some sort, but I don't know how their network
is setup.

how would a firewall at her end (the servoy client) stop the
connection from working?
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Postby jcompagner » Tue Jan 13, 2004 1:09 am

Two way is enabled in the network settings?
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Postby IT2Be » Tue Jan 13, 2004 9:16 am

Haven't seen it much but a systems manager could/can block certain outgoing traffic...
Marcel J.G. Trapman (IT2BE)
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Postby RobertMeyer » Tue Jan 13, 2004 4:50 pm

jcompagner wrote:Two way is enabled in the network settings?


follow up:
we tried to run the demo from several computers at the
company's office, and none of them can load the servoy
app and run it.

the client was, however, able to use a dial-in connection,
and the demo worked fine.

sounds like something in the company's firewall.

thanks again to all who responded.
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Postby Bert » Tue Jan 13, 2004 11:48 pm

Hi Robert,
Glad you found the issue wich caused the 'problem'.
Some time ago I found some beans (freeware :wink: ) at this site.
One of them is called HttpTunnel and you might want to use it.
HttpTunnel was developed in order to give the Java client applications the possibility to communicate with a server on a specific port even if the firewall forbids this. This is done by tunneling TCP request trough the HttpTunnel product. The product consists of a server side, a servlet that will forward all the input to a specific URL and port (specified in the configuration files)and a client side that will direct all the TCP communication that is written to a specific port to this tunnel servlet.

If it works you might share with us the results.
And as you can see there are more beans to download :)
Bert de Graaff
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Postby jcompagner » Wed Jan 14, 2004 11:18 am

they also can't load/run the crm of the demo server of servoy?
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