installing Java (or anything) on RedHat 9

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installing Java (or anything) on RedHat 9

Postby Harjo » Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:07 am

Hi, Iam trying to install Java on a Redhat 9 workstation
I am a complete newbie to Linux, so I have not succeeded
I followed all the guideline on
and downloaden the rpm packages.

first of all, I have to do this:
chmod a+x j2re-1_4_2_03-linux-i586-rpm.bin

in the console-mode this returns nothing
than I have to do this:

rpm -iv j2re-1_4_2_03-linux-i586.rpm
and this returns an error that the file not exist!
I am pulling my hair out for about 2 days now (for what's left of it! :twisted: )
Can somebody please help?
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Location: DEN HAM OV, The Netherlands

Postby sebster » Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:33 am

When talking about UNIX errors it's best to copy paste it exactly to the post, because even though cryptic, they're generally pretty informative. ;-)

Anyway, I don't understand why you're trying to unpack the binary archive using RPM... If you want to use RPM you should download a .rpm file. The binary is constructed so you such run it, i.e. as root, at the command prompt, in the directory in which the .bin file is located type:

Code: Select all

This will install java.

If you want to use rpm to install java (which is probably better under RedHat), make sure you download the .rpm file and not the .bin file from the java site. Then if there still is an error message quote it exactly (which can it not find? rpm itself or the .rpm file?).

Hope this helps.
Sebastiaan van Erk
Posts: 251
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