I switched to "http only" this Monday, and saw a huge decrease in speed on the next day. That's why I do not want to use that for now.
I now called netstat on the server and got a quite interesting large list.
The Foreign Addresses with state "Established" seem to be all clients that are connected currently, because their number did match the number of active clients that Servoy AppServer showed in its clients tab.
And I could see that the Server is communicating with them over its own 1099 port:
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
TCP 10.103.xxx:445 xxxxa2033:51891 ESTABLISHED
TCP 10.103.xxx:1099 xxxx.68.28:56773 ESTABLISHED
TCP 10.103.xxx:1099 xxxxA2034:56758 ESTABLISHED
TCP 10.103.xxx:1099 xxxxa0026:64420 CLOSE_WAIT
TCP 10.103.xxx:1099 xxxxl0017:23478 CLOSE_WAIT
TCP 10.103.xxx:1099 xxxxs002:50213 CLOSE_WAIT
However there were also a lot of connections in CLOSE_WAIT state.
There were about 90 lines with state CLOSE_WAIT compared to 30 lines with state ESTABLISHED.
Is that a normal situation?
Because I would expect that a connection should be completely terminated and disappear from this list, after a client logged out properly.
This is a link where all those states are described in detail:
https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/jan ... lose_wait/There I could read that the CLOSE_WAIT is not really a "usual one":
Indicates that the server has received the first FIN signal from the client and the connection is in the process of being closed
So this essentially means that his is a state where socket is waiting for the application to execute close()
A socket can be in CLOSE_WAIT state indefinitely until the application closes it.
Faulty scenarios would be like filedescriptor leak, server not being execute close() on socket leading to pile up of close_wait sockets