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Sleep mode on Win10 logs out the client

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 12:48 pm
by Bernd.N
A user reported that on his new Win10 client, his Servoy client will get logged out after it the computer goes to sleep mode for energy saving.
My assumption is that the Servoy server is not having a network connection any more to a sleeping client and then logs out the client.

Is this expected behaviour, and can something be done to prevent this?

Re: Sleep mode on Win10 logs out the client

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 1:33 pm
by jcompagner

But yes after sometime (20 to 30 minutes) a client will be logged out from the server. not much we can do about else a huge amount of state will be accumulated constantly

Re: Sleep mode on Win10 logs out the client

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 1:34 pm
by patrick
You are referring to smart clients, right? What does "logged out" mean exactly? What happens after the laptop is turned on again?

Re: Sleep mode on Win10 logs out the client

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 2:12 pm
by Bernd.N
Yes, it is about smart client.
"Logged out" means that after turning on the computer again, our Servoy application shows the login screen.

Re: Sleep mode on Win10 logs out the client

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 3:05 pm
by jcompagner
they didn't get that dialog that they need to restart/relogin because the current client is not known anymore on the server?

how long is there between going to sleep and tuning it on again?

Re: Sleep mode on Win10 logs out the client

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 3:45 pm
by Bernd.N
jcompagner wrote:they didn't get that dialog that they need to restart/relogin because the current client is not known anymore on the server?

No, the problem was that the user would like to stay in our Servoy application, even when the computer goes to energy-saving-sleep-mode for a while.
But it seems that this causes the client to be logged out, so that after sleep mode, they face the login screen of our application and have to login again.

jcompagner wrote:how long is there between going to sleep and tuning it on again?

The user did not tell me that.
But it could be like 10 minutes or even one hour, when the user goes to a team meeting and then returns to his PC again to work there.
On the new Win10 PC, the energy-saving-options were very strict like "sleep mode after 15 minutes".
The user solved the problem by setting that duration to several hours, so that he will not get logged out automatically during the day.

Best would be if sleep mode would not cause the logout of the Servoy client.

Re: Sleep mode on Win10 logs out the client

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 3:52 pm
by jcompagner
Bernd.N wrote:
Best would be if sleep mode would not cause the logout of the Servoy client.

thats not possible, because the connection is broken between client and server, so the server will clean up the client after 20 minutes or a bit more.

Re: Sleep mode on Win10 logs out the client

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 4:04 pm
by patrick
I have never seen a smart client being logged out. You can get a dialog in certain scenarios telling the user that he needs to relogin. Or you can continue working in all other scenarios. Do you maybe have some scheduled script that logs out the user? Or maybe your users simply did not report that they were shown a dialog telling them to relogin and they clicked there?

Re: Sleep mode on Win10 logs out the client

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 4:05 pm
by patrick
Anyway, whatever goes on has nothing to do with Windows 10...

Re: Sleep mode on Win10 logs out the client

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 5:09 pm
by Bernd.N
Hi Patrick,
this is what our user just reported (as an exception I refrain from translating for you).

Zeitlicher Ablauf (Zeiten sind von damals [Grundeinstellung] und sind heute wesentlich länger eingestellt):
1. Ich arbeite ganz normal im projectEIM.
2. Dann bewege und drücke ich nichts mehr am PC.
3. Nach 5 min sperrt sich der PC automatisch wenn man nichts tut (und man muss sich wieder einloggen, wenn man dran arbeiten will). Man sieht das Landschaftsbild von Windows10 welches täglich wechselt.
4. Wenn man nichts macht geht 5 min später der PC in den Sleep-Modus. (schwarzer Bildschirm) Dann ist der Energiesparmodus aktiviert.
5. Nach weiteren x min wackelt man an der Maus oder drückt eine Taste. Es erscheint das Landschaftsbild mit der Windowsanmeldung unter meinem Benutzerkonto
6. Ich melde mich unter Windows an und bin wieder auf dem Desktop wo unten in der Taskleiste immer noch das projectEIM Symbol schlummert.
7. Ich drücke mit der Maus auf das projectEIM Symbol und es erscheint das Anmeldfenster (kleines Fenster) von EIM
8. Ich melde mich bei EIM an und erscheint die Hinweismeldung, ich solle mich beim nächsten Mal richtig abmelden, obwohl ich mich gar nicht abgemeldet hatte und EIM als Task noch offen war.

The "Grundeinstellung" was what the PC was delivered with.
projectEIM is our application
Anmeldfenster is our login screen
(3) is the automatic windows logout of the user

What we do not want is (7), which means that the Servoy Servor logged our user out.
We do not have a scheduled script with logout routine in our application.

Re: Sleep mode on Win10 logs out the client

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 5:34 pm
by patrick
That sounds like the application has actually quit and the user just starts it again. Servoy does not take you to the login screen without showing a message before that as far as I know and have seen in the last 15 years...