Replacing Servoy Client shortcut

Questions, answers, tips and ideas on Servoy Client

Replacing Servoy Client shortcut

Postby Westy » Fri Jul 23, 2004 2:59 pm

Is there any significant differrence between using a regular "Servoy Client" Windows desktop shortcut with a properties TARGET like:

"C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_04\javaws\javaws.exe" "@C:\Documents and Settings\John Doe\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\javaws\cache\indirect\indirect18972.ind"

versus a web "Servoy Client" Windows desktop shortcut with a properties URL like:


A web shortcut can be created as follows:

1. open Internet Explorer to any web page
2. right-click on web page
3. select Create Shortcut (shortcut is created on desktop)
4. right-click and rename shortcut to M-^SServoy ClientM-^T
5. right-click shortcut and select M-^SPropertiesM-^T
6. paste url: http://ipaddress:8080/servoy-client/servoy_client.jnlp
7. click M-^SChange IconM-^T button and then click M-^SBrowseM-^T button
8. double-click M-^Sj2db.icoM-^T in: c:\program files\servoy\lib\
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