ServoyExtraComponents V2023.3.1

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ServoyExtraComponents V2023.3.1

Postby steve1376656734 » Mon May 08, 2023 3:36 pm

@jcompagner - I can see that this package has just been released but it is flagged as requiring Servoy V2023.3.1. Is this correct (can't see any commits that require this version as the one related to the new valulist spec format was reverted)? If it does require V2023.3.1 can you give us an indication when that might be available please?

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Re: ServoyExtraComponents V2023.3.1

Postby jcompagner » Tue May 09, 2023 8:18 am

yes it is required, the commits for sidenav needs core changes.
And core 2023.3.1 is released right now.
Johan Compagner
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