NG2: Using font awesome icon in Data Grid Header

Forum to discuss the new web client version of Servoy.

Re: NG2: Using font awesome icon in Data Grid Header

Postby huber » Tue Jun 04, 2024 8:48 am

Hi Paulo

Again, thank you very much for the code, it works in all browsers now :-)
I now have only one last challenge with the DBTreeview (Servoy Extra Component), which also works with my current CSS styles in Safari only, but no more in the other browsers (in NG2).

Is there a similar general possibility to style the expand/collapse triangles of the DBTreeview?

My current selectors which work in NG1 for all browsers are:

Code: Select all
/*__________ DBTREEVIEW __________
tree-node-expander {
   padding-top: 1px;
   padding-left: 6px;
   width: 15px;

.toggle-children {
   display: none;

.toggle-children-wrapper-collapsed, .toggle-children-wrapper-expanded {
   color: #737b82; /* Pantone 431 */
   font-family: var(--fa-style-family, "Font Awesome 6 Free");
   font-size: 14px;
   visibility: visible !important;
   color: red;

.toggle-children .toggle-children-wrapper-collapsed::after {
   content: "\f0da";

.toggle-children .toggle-children-wrapper-expanded::after {
   content: 'fas fa-caret-down';

Thanks in advance
Robert Huber
7r AG, Switzerland
SAN Developer
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