changing the path for the caching

Forum to discuss the new web client version of Servoy.

changing the path for the caching

Postby robert.edelmann » Wed Jul 31, 2024 4:33 pm

We are using the ngDesktop Client on most of our clients, and we have some clients that complain about large sizes of the cache-folder under c:\<user>\AppData\Roaming ("%appdata%"), because that data gets copied around when using Terminaservers / Roaming Profiles.

The folders are about 200-500 GB in size, and the admins in question would prefer if the folder was under c:\<user>\AppData\Local, because that folder is not copied around on a login.

According to the documentation here electron can read an set the paths.

Would it be possible to change the path for the caches to another directory, either via code in onSolutionOpen (I don't know if it's to late there), either manually or via an new option in utils.ngDesktopFiles / Utils / UI? Or perhaps there is an option in the servoy.json file of the client.

Does anyone else has that problem?
mit freundlichen Grüßen
Robert Stefan Edelmann
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