Browser overlapping application window

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Browser overlapping application window

Postby huber » Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:59 am

Situation: In the overall view of the application (browser window) we have for certain menus several columns (for example split panes), where each column has a footer (having may be controls).

If one reduces the height of the browser window, the footer (and after the footer the body) is going to be hidden at a certain point of the browser height.
To ensure that this happens for all footers at the same time (so the footer looks evenly), in ng1 it was dependent on the height setting of the top form height.
In ng2 the behavior seems to be different: it depends of the leaf form height.

Question @Servoy: Since I have to make quite a few adjustments for ng2, I would like to ask whether this behaviour will stay this way? I assume so.

if there is a better way to achieve this goal, I am of course interested to hear from you.

Attached 2 screenshots to show what I mean.

Thanks a lot

footer overlapping unevenly.png

footers overlapping evenly.png
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Robert Huber
7r AG, Switzerland
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Re: Browser overlapping application window

Postby huber » Thu Nov 07, 2024 12:22 pm

Would it be possible that someone from Servoy confirms that with 2024.3 LTS (or may be an earlier version) and NGTi , the behaviour of sliding over is now dependant of the minHeight (and the minWidth for that matter) of the leaf form and not any more of the parent form.

Just for comparison, when using the sidebar component on the main form, the height of the sidenav defines when the sliding over happens.

Thanks and regards,
Robert Huber
7r AG, Switzerland
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Re: Browser overlapping application window

Postby jcompagner » Thu Nov 07, 2024 1:03 pm

yes there are some changes that could affect this when we introduced that min and max height properties of the form

Because forms in containers (tabs) where not having the correct height before they sometimes just has the height of the component that was lowest on the screen (so a button at the bottom that has in the designer margin left to the bottom had no margin at runtime)
This was fixed so we obey min/max heights of the form that is then set.

You can play with this by changing the values directly in the browser when inspecting the page.
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Re: Browser overlapping application window

Postby huber » Thu Nov 14, 2024 12:43 pm

Thanks Johan for your reply. For our main application it means when loading forms into the main form (depending on the selected menu) the "leaf" form height determines when the browser window is (vertically) sliding over the form. Before the height of the "parent" form (for example a form with a split pane or tabs element) was determining when the sliding over started to appear.
As a result, I have to change all the height settings of all "leaf" forms to the desired value.

Of course, I do not find this behaviour that elegant.

More elegant would be if the height (and width) of the main form would determine the sliding over in the browser. By the way, this is the behaviour when using the sidenav component (which we use on some other apps).

Best regards,
Robert Huber
7r AG, Switzerland
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