Updating from 20221.12 to 2024.6 and onDataChange doesn't behave in the same way. Have many forms where a textbox has editable set to false, when I add a new record set editable to true. The textbox has a format of "|U". If the data contains just characters from A to Z the onDataChange doesn't fire. if it contains characters other than A to Z then the onDataChange does fire. If I take the formatting off the text box and add formatting to the field in the table, same results. If I take the formatting off the textbox and table then onDataChange does fire. On other fields the onDataChange works correctly. Maybe the toggling of editable together with the format is causing the problem.
Can convert to upper case in the onDataChange, but loads of forms to go through and would prefer the textbox to show upper case characters as they are typed. Wondering what has changed and if there is a better fix.