Angular in Servoy Land

Forum to discuss the new web client version of Servoy.

Angular in Servoy Land

Postby Gordon McLean » Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:29 pm

I have a solution that requires the a really simple angular databind function as an example

I have tried this by attaching an input field and label with the same data source which predictably works like web client so you have to loose focus on the input to get the result - this is no good for the job

In JQuery or Angular (as per the above video) this is super simple you attach both items to the same model and watch the input.

In order to do this in Servoy it appears I have to create a component which can then access the model and use the html in the component to render the result. I guess if I want that result return to a data provider I am going to have to find a way to attach this to the dataset and somehow submit the results.

The question is is this correct ?

Can one component talk to another - in Angular you would use a service to join several controllers - I am guessing this is Servoy in this context ??

I guess coming late to this particular party I am not really clear whether a whole new approach of designing components is required interspersed with traditional drag/drop Servoy. The learning curve right now is looking pretty spectacularly steep :cry:

Gordon McLean
Gordon McLean
Posts: 253
Joined: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:24 pm
Location: UK

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