svyNavigation Side Navbar Enhancement

Forum to discuss the new web client version of Servoy.

svyNavigation Side Navbar Enhancement

Postby dev-ws-011 » Tue Jun 08, 2021 3:40 pm

Hi All,

We are working on Side Navbar in svyNavigation module.

Problem is we have Menu, submenu and further submenu, if we allow expanding menus then side navbar will become lengthy and user will have to scroll a lot.

1) So, we are thinking to show menu only and if user selects menu to expand, whole menu will be updated with submenu alongwith back icon on top to go back to menu. In this way, menu can be handled efficiently and no scroll will be needed.
2) Also, provide a search text box at top of menu to show only filtered form related to searched text.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Servoy Developer
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Joined: Fri Oct 21, 2016 8:23 am

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