in the old web-client the rendering of the page was computed server-side; for any form visited/editited the whole html of that section was transfered server to client.
In NG/TiNG the rendering is fully computed client-side instead, in order to do so the client requires all the clientside resources for every component used upon first load. For this reason the footprint of login form in old web-client is much smaller, however while operating with the client, TiNG will be much quicker because will transfer much less data ( since the rendering is computed clientside footprint of any subsequent interaction is much smaller ).
More components you use & ship with your solutions the higher will be the footprint; to reduce it you can optimize the components in use ( upon WAR export make sure to include only the NG components/services you actually use ).
Do not use a LoginSolution ( will load again some resources since is seen as a different solution ), use a LoginForm or the new Stateless login ( available since
https://docs.servoy.com/release-notes/r ... provements ).
And of course make sure your infrastructure allows to benefit from cache, since most of the resources can be cached ( until there is a new build with potential updates in the resources ).