Iam trying to use the toolbar filter from svy_lookup.
Check fields etc are running fine but scopes.svyToolbarFilter.FILTER_TYPES.SELECT with a valuelist is not displayed correctly.
I can still select the values and they are filtered after closing the filter popup, but I cannot see the selection in the table of the filter popup.
To me it looks like a problem with css and I found the following entry in the svy-lookup.css:
.svy-lookup .ag-table .svy-lookup-icon-selection > div,
.svy-lookup td.svy-lookup-icon-selection > div {
font-family: 'Font Awesome\ 5 Free';
text-align: center;
font-weight: 400;
We are using FontAwesome Pro 5, but the default Servoy FontAwesome Free is still in our solution. Maybe that's the reason?
Servoy Developer is Version: 2024.3.2.3945
We have NG1 running on Servoy Developer Version: 2021.3.0.3642 with the same FontAwesome and toolbar filter without any problems.