Hi Guys,
quick question:
Is anyone of you using the smartDocEditor Plugin/Webcomponent for your clients?
Im trying to get it running, but there are alot of things just missing or not working properly even in servoy-dev.
For example:
- Changing Font: in the preview it looks all nice. As soon as i export it to pdf or wordx the generated pdf uses fallback fonts aka Times New Roman (even when you use getExporter().setCSS())
Thats the biggest problem we have, how do you give smartDocEditor more fonts, for example Roboto which we are using in our solution. And how does the exporter implements them in the generation of the pdf file?
- Chaning Font-Size: i only have to option for "small, standard, big, etc" why cant i just use 12px,14px,....etc? Am i missing a option
- Working with tables: if you click on the table and select "border: none" it does nothing. Either in the Preview nor in the exported pdf
- Footer Header: YSIWYG ->not really. in the preview it looks fine but in the generated pdf its just all messy with wrong margins (even when you use getExporter().setMargin()
How can i apply a footer for example, which is on the same position?
In conclusion, i was trying to replace a few reports we have in Jasper to the smartDocEditor. So the user has more options to play with margins, style and layout of the report. But in this state its just a nice looking editor in your form imo.
Maybe im doing something wrong? Maybe you guys have working solutions with nice exported pdfs. If yes, please let me know how you did it.
I added a screenshot of the editor and one of the generated pdf for you guys to look at it.