Servoy Extra Components 1.1.2

Announcements of the latest WebComponents for NGClient (shipped by the WebPackageManager)

Servoy Extra Components 1.1.2

Postby jcompagner » Fri Feb 10, 2017 4:57 pm

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Re: Servoy Extra Components 1.1.2

Postby Gordon McLean » Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:55 pm

The SideBar component has a style which highlights the selected menu when clicked. IF you add a controller script to onMenuItemSelected this behaviour is removed is there a way to maintain the feature when its a working button ?

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Re: Servoy Extra Components 1.1.2

Postby patrick » Thu Feb 23, 2017 5:13 pm

Could you file an issue at ... nts/issues? Then it will be looked at...
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Re: Servoy Extra Components 1.1.2

Postby paronne » Thu Feb 23, 2017 5:18 pm

Hi Gordon, does your onMenuItemSelected return true ?
The onMenuItemSelected event can prevent the selection of the item if does not return true.
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Re: Servoy Extra Components 1.1.2

Postby Gordon McLean » Thu Feb 23, 2017 5:30 pm

It did not and I have now amended it which has fixed the problem thanks

Suggest a note to this effect is added to the docs

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Re: Servoy Extra Components 1.8.0

Postby rafig » Tue Mar 26, 2019 9:28 pm

[This section of the forum is not being updated when new versions of Components are being released, so I am having to add a post under older version of this component, but I am using latest 1.8 version]
Please can someone explain what seems to be contradictory information in the Wiki about the settings for the Table in this component?
I am trying to place a table 'panel' on the left of a detail view in a responsive form & want the height of it to automatically adjust to the height of the window, so as window height changes, so does the number of rows in table (& therefore the table height), but I cannot seem to get it to work.
If I set the 'responsiveDynamicHeight' to 'true', it doesn't seem to do anything.
I try then changing the 'responsiveHeight' to '0' (zero), but then the table doesn't show anything.
I HAVE to have a height set for the table, and then it doesn't change with the window height!
The wiki page is not very clear on the settings, with the top paragraph saying
It can be used both in responsive forms and absolute forms. If used in responsive mode, its 'responsiveHeight' property must be set in Properties View (which is the fixed height it will occupy)
which doesn't really seem to be what one would want in a responsive form :?
The lower table has these settings

which seem to be mutually exclusive??
If it helps, the 'outline' of my form is

This has frustrated me for a long time & I've finally got round to posting asking for help ;-)
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Re: Servoy Extra Components 1.1.2

Postby Gabi Boros » Wed Mar 27, 2019 1:56 pm

about the 'responsiveDynamicHeight' (default false) - when this is set, the height is defined by the nr of rows; if the calculated height exceeds 'responsiveHeight', then the later will be used as height (it is used as max height) (I also updated the doc with this). so the height of the table, when used in responsive mode, depends only on its content or on the value of 'responisveHeight', but not on the window height
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Re: Servoy Extra Components 1.1.2

Postby rafig » Wed Mar 27, 2019 2:37 pm

Gabi Boros wrote:about the 'responsiveDynamicHeight' (default false) - when this is set, the height is defined by the nr of rows; if the calculated height exceeds 'responsiveHeight', then the later will be used as height (it is used as max height) (I also updated the doc with this). so the height of the table, when used in responsive mode, depends only on its content or on the value of 'responisveHeight', but not on the window height

Thank you Gabi for (trying to) clarify this (& updating the docs).
So are you telling me that there is no way that I can have a table/list whose size automatically/dynamically changes the number of rows based on the window height??
I'm happy to use a different component that does do this if needed, but it seems very odd that Servoy is pushing to NG/Responsive, yet we still have to specify a 'height' for something when we don't know what the target window size might be (iPhone / iPad / tablet / desktop / ?? )
How should we create a scrolling table/list of records that adjusts correctly??
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Re: Servoy Extra Components 1.1.2

Postby paronne » Wed Mar 27, 2019 2:46 pm

Hi Rafi,

In responsive forms the height of a table component is set to the responsiveHeight property. The responsiveDynamicHeight allow the table to reduce it's height when there are only few rows available (it can avoid showing empty gaps).
If you want the table to fill the whole available height you should control the style of it's responsive container and set the responsiveHeight of the table to 0. Check the sample of this wiki page:

Note i would usually use a non-responsive forms when you want your table to use all available height because in fact you try to reproduce the behavior of an anchored form into a responsive form; i see that you want to move the formpabel below the grid on smaller screens using the bootstrap columns; this justify the use of a responsive form for you. When you hit the breakpoint probably you don't want your table to take all the available height... because if your table contains only few rows then you will have an empty gap on top of your formpanel; so also the Flexbox layout i suggested above doesn't do what you really need. You will need to create your own CSS to control such behavior.

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Re: Servoy Extra Components 1.1.2

Postby rafig » Wed Mar 27, 2019 6:37 pm

Thanks Paolo,
I will have a look at that & see if I can come up with the best compromise ;-)
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Re: Servoy Extra Components 1.1.2

Postby rafig » Mon Feb 13, 2023 9:26 pm

can someone either update the documentation/Wiki on Github, or clarify for me something about the latest SideNav part of servoyextra
(Wiki not updated since Jan 27, 2018)
In the SvySample setup for the sidebar menu, there is code for iconStyleClass like this
Code: Select all
menuItem.iconStyleClass = "icon-contacts";

Where do the "icon-xxxxx" come from so that I can choose my own.
I know about using "fa" & "glyphicon", but there is nothing to explain this new option??

(I think it would be useful to try to keep the various web component wikis up to date... :wink: )


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Re: Servoy Extra Components 1.1.2

Postby sean » Mon Feb 13, 2023 11:00 pm

Hi Rafi,

In the sample solution you looked at, there was an additional media file included "customicons.css" which has the definition. So in short, this "icon-xxx" is not a font icon set which is shipped by Servoy.

We do ship FontAwesome, which can be installed via the package manager (currently fontawesome 5.14).

In 2023, we are doubling our efforts to revamp and improve our documentation. I'll make sure this is on the list. i.e. Any property which should reference a font icon class should link to documentation about available font icons.

Thanks for your feedback.

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Re: Servoy Extra Components 1.1.2

Postby rafig » Tue Feb 14, 2023 1:35 am

sean wrote:Hi Rafi,
In the sample solution you looked at, there was an additional media file included "customicons.css" which has the definition. So in short, this "icon-xxx" is not a font icon set which is shipped by Servoy.

Great, thanks for clarifying...
We do ship FontAwesome, which can be installed via the package manager (currently fontawesome 5.14).

I was aware of that, thanks :wink:
In 2023, we are doubling our efforts to revamp and improve our documentation. I'll make sure this is on the list. i.e. Any property which should reference a font icon class should link to documentation about available font icons.

That will be great as I have to be honest, it's not as detailed or up to date as it could be :wink:
Thanks for your feedback.

My pleasure (but BTW, still waiting for a reply on my other post about 'Deployment')
This also highlights a lack of documentation and also a major (not for the better) change for Servoy...


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