Currently available open source modules of the Servoy Business Application Platform
- svyUtils set of utility scopes, including an EventManager, LogManager, custom exceptions and date Utils
svyUtils$webClient Web Client specific utility methods, largely replacing the WebClientUtils plugin
svyUtils$smartClient Smart Client specific utility methods
svyUtils$unitTest Utility methods for writing UnitTests
svyJFXWebView an HTML5 WebView component for the Smart Client
svyComponent a 'lightweigth' framework to create reusable components for the Smart and Web Client using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
svyApplicationCore 'lightweight' application boilerplate code, including Module initialization mechanism, DataBroadcast and Error event handlers
svyGoogleMaps a wrapper around GoogleMaps, based on svyComponent
svyPayPal PayPal integration module
All these projects are available through the Servoy GitHub account. Documentation and issue management is available on GitHub as well.