- - We are updating the site to Servoy 8 with a responsive design to better fit various form factors
-The registration/upgrade process is a little clunky- we are going to fix that
- Missing "forgot password" feature. DOH!
- Changing videos over to HTML5 instead of Flash to support streaming on mobile devices
- When you are logged in, mark which videos have been watched already
- Add a user note field to the video allowing you to jot down some things if you want to come back to the video and remember something important.
- Tag Support- make it easier to find all the related videos on a subject
- More content- we have another series in the works that will launch soon
Some have also asked if we are doing an entirely new series for Servoy 8.x. We thought of this in advance when we did the videos for Servoy 6, we made them much shorter and more specific. This allows us to reuse videos if that topic doesn't change between versions. So, we will be adding new videos covering the new items in Servoy 8, and re-purposing the other videos where appropriate.