Servoy University- Upcoming changes and feedback

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Servoy University- Upcoming changes and feedback

Postby sbutler » Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:39 pm

I spoke to many of you at Servoy World and got some great feedback about improvements to the site. I've compiled a list of upcoming things we plan to roll out by the end of the year. For those of you that couldn't make it to Servoy World, please feel free to share any feedback you may have.

    - We are updating the site to Servoy 8 with a responsive design to better fit various form factors
    -The registration/upgrade process is a little clunky- we are going to fix that
    - Missing "forgot password" feature. DOH!
    - Changing videos over to HTML5 instead of Flash to support streaming on mobile devices
    - When you are logged in, mark which videos have been watched already
    - Add a user note field to the video allowing you to jot down some things if you want to come back to the video and remember something important.
    - Tag Support- make it easier to find all the related videos on a subject
    - More content- we have another series in the works that will launch soon

Some have also asked if we are doing an entirely new series for Servoy 8.x. We thought of this in advance when we did the videos for Servoy 6, we made them much shorter and more specific. This allows us to reuse videos if that topic doesn't change between versions. So, we will be adding new videos covering the new items in Servoy 8, and re-purposing the other videos where appropriate.
Scott Butler
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Re: Servoy University- Upcoming changes and feedback

Postby jcarlos » Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:08 pm

This is great news. The fact that the videos could not be seen in HTML5 was a showstopper for me. Looking forward to this change.

I'd also suggest that you tag the videos in a more inclusive way. For instance, if a video explains a feature/plugin that works in both Servoy 5 and Servoy 6, it should be listed in both Servoy 5 and Servoy 6 and not just in the version of Servoy that contains the feature when it was first released. For example, the Velocity Reports plugin works for Servoy 5, 6 and 7. It is only listed under Servoy 5.

Also, you don't have listed any video for Servoy 7. There are a few videos for Servoy 7 -I am sure, e.g. web clients, etc. Also, many of the current videos explain things that work exactly the same for Servoy 7. You could have listed there Servoy 7 videos too.

Looking forward for these changes. Especially for the iPad videos! I bought the iPad for the single purpose or seeing videos and reading tech materials (mainly of Servoy). It was a disappointment when I found out that the Servoy University (SU) videos would not work for the iPad or iPhone. BTW, the images in the SU home page are somewhat misleading because one of them shows what seems to be an iPhone.

Anyway, looking forward for the changes. Congratulations!

Juan-Carlos Sanchez, Stanford University - Law and Economics
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Re: Servoy University- Upcoming changes and feedback

Postby jcarlos » Thu Nov 20, 2014 8:35 am

Any update about the upcoming changes of Servoy University?

Juan-Carlos Sanchez, Stanford University - Law and Economics
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Re: Servoy University- Upcoming changes and feedback

Postby sbutler » Mon Dec 01, 2014 4:24 pm

Still waiting on on the Servoy 8 build to support responsive design. Then I can rebuild the front end supporting the HTML5 responsive design.
Scott Butler
iTech Professionals, Inc.
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