here are the steps to use the collapsible from JQM ( ... lapsibles/)
1. add a bean component to the form and set the 'innerHTML' in the properties view to :
<div data-role="mycollapsible">
2. initialize the collapsible in the 'onShow' callback of the form, add the following lines :
$('[data-role="mycollapsible"]').append('<div data-role="collapsible" data-theme="b" data-content-theme="c" id="collapsible2"></div>');
$("#collapsible2").append('<h2>Choose a car model...</h2>');
$("#collapsible2").append('<ul data-role="listview" id="test-listview"></ul>');
$("#test-listview").append('<li><a href="javascript:globals.onListItemClick(\'Acura\')">Acura</a></li>');
$("#test-listview").append('<li><a href="javascript:globals.onListItemClick(\'Audi\')">Audi</a></li>');
$("#test-listview").append('<li><a href="javascript:globals.onListItemClick(\'BMW\')">BMW</a></li>');
3. as you see in the previous code, there is also a callback added to the list item click, a function from the globals scope.