Can we build a simple app to print checques

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Can we build a simple app to print checques

Postby muddasirpk » Thu Aug 26, 2021 2:26 pm

I want to print a Bank check. User will fil the filed, data will either be save or not (ignore that case for now) and on print button data will be printed

How can i do that?

I know i had to define some filed like

Amount in words

Now, after filling the above fileds user had to click the print button and check will be print (i will also want to save data for later use in future), now my confusion is

How can i print the above fields in specific locations, as check has some predefined positions, so how can i take that data from the filed and print to the specifi positions only? as each bank has their own predefined positions for date, amoutn and words

Want it to be online like a website
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