The type JSFoundSet and JSRecord is deprecated

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The type JSFoundSet and JSRecord is deprecated

Postby deezzub » Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:15 pm

I get the following warnings.:

The type JSRecord<db:/boss_db/belegkreise> is deprecated br_boss_buha_faktura_head_dtl.js /br_boss_buha_faktura/forms line 90 JavaScript Problem
The type JSFoundSet<db:/boss_db/belegkreise> is deprecated br_boss_buha_faktura_head_dtl.js /br_boss_buha_faktura/forms line 88 JavaScript Problem

Before I had a table in Servoy, that has 4 columns, but none of them I can't use as a row ident / pk, so I closed Servoy and added a column to the FoxPro DBF table which is used as a row ident in Servoy with a FoxPro AutoInc field (database identity). After that I started Servoy again and opened the table in Servoy for setting the row ident.

Don't know if it has something to do with that.

2014-03-27_13_58_28-Servoy_Developer_deprecated_jsdoc_type.png (42.11 KiB) Viewed 4535 times

2014-03-27_14_06_37-Servoy_Developer_warning_deprecated_jsdoc_type.png (2.62 KiB) Viewed 4535 times

I tried a project clean, but the warnings are not gone.
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Re: The type JSFoundSet and JSRecord is deprecated

Postby kwpsd » Fri Mar 28, 2014 6:45 pm

Hi, Sebastian.

In your DBF table, when you created the PK column (integer autoinc), did you populate the PKs? Servoy is expecting a unique PK value for each record in the DBF table. If you left the PKs empty, Servoy will complain.
Kim W. Premuda
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Re: The type JSFoundSet and JSRecord is deprecated

Postby deezzub » Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:24 am

kwpsd wrote:Hi, Sebastian.

In your DBF table, when you created the PK column (integer autoinc), did you populate the PKs?

Hello Kim, yes I did. But, how can it be, that JSDoc is deprecated? Is that possible?
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Re: The type JSFoundSet and JSRecord is deprecated

Postby ROCLASI » Mon Mar 31, 2014 4:50 pm

Hi Sebastian,

It's an odd warning marker indeed.

Is that table by any chance set to disabled by Servoy ?
When a table has no PK or Ident column defined Servoy sets it to disabled and appears grey in the table list (usually at the bottom).
Robert Ivens
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Re: The type JSFoundSet and JSRecord is deprecated

Postby jcompagner » Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:01 pm

i think the only time we report it as deprecated (for foundset and records) that is when it is hidden in the developer.
I guess saying that it is none visible would be a better solution for this..
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Re: The type JSFoundSet and JSRecord is deprecated

Postby ROCLASI » Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:15 pm

I guess with 'disabled' I meant 'hidden'. :)
Robert Ivens
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Re: The type JSFoundSet and JSRecord is deprecated

Postby kwpsd » Mon Mar 31, 2014 7:45 pm


I loaded an old solution into Servoy 6.1.9 that uses VFP DBF tables, and, I, too, got the same warnings. However, I was able to eventually clear them with a little effort. It seems to me that it is the JSDoc mechanism that is not updating properly when DBF tables are involved. Here is what I did:

1. When I loaded my test solution, some of the DBF tables were not in the specified path. This caused some JSFoundset and JSRecord warnings to appear. So, make certain that the DBF files are in the proper path specified by the database server pathname.

2. Clear out any warnings that suggest the .dbi tables are not up to date. I had to restart Servoy a couple of times to accomplish this.

3. Any remaining/persistent errors pertaining to JSFoundset and JSRecord were cleared by deleting the JSDoc notation (e.g. /** @type {JSFoundset<db:/databasename/tablename>} */) and re-entering it (this is why I suspect the JSDoc mechanism).

@Johan: None of my tables are/were hidden (not grayed out)

I hope this helps!
Kim W. Premuda
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