Resolving "Install new software" stuck issue

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Resolving "Install new software" stuck issue

Postby nathan.king » Thu Oct 17, 2013 11:07 am

This is more of a guideline for users experiencing something I experienced recently, which I believe is more of an eclipse issue than a Servoy issue. Regardless, I just thought it may be helpful if people have tried "everything" and have had no luck.

The issue I encountered was when attempting to use Help > Install new software... the progress bar was stuck on a certain percentage, sometimes it was 0% and sometimes around 48%. It would be stuck here indefinitely, usually followed by an error after an extended period of time. There isn't a lot of easily accessible documentation on this issue, it took me some tinkering and putting various forum topics together to fix it. So, here it is:

You don't need to disable your firewall or your anti-virus, regardless of how many forum topics you read where people suggest you do so.
The issue is generally caused by cache issues. The best way to go about fixing the issue, I found, was to download and install Fiddler2. You'll find it for free at Once you've installed it, run it. On the top bar where you see options for things like "Browse", "Find" and "Save", you'll notice a button labelled "Clear Cache". Go ahead and click it. Once that's done, you should consider holding CTRL and clicking it again. That'll clear any persistent cookies, too.

Next, with Fiddler2 still running, launch Servoy. If there are any issues then Fiddler will tell you about them. Try installing new software again. The issue *should* be resolved, but on the off-chance that it persists then Fiddler2 will at least point out the problem to you.
Nathan King

Strategic Corrosion Management
Posts: 12
Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:49 am
Location: Northumberland, United Kingdom

Re: Resolving "Install new software" stuck issue

Postby nathan.king » Thu Oct 17, 2013 11:12 am

I've put this in the wrong forum, sorry! Any chance it could be moved?
Nathan King

Strategic Corrosion Management
Posts: 12
Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:49 am
Location: Northumberland, United Kingdom

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