Editable HTML_AREA Focus lost Not working

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Editable HTML_AREA Focus lost Not working

Postby sovanm » Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:55 pm

Hi All,

I have a editable html_area, which shows me the TinyMCE editor. Sometimes it fails to save data into database and in browser's debug console it shows "NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED" and then "iframe is null".

I have a direct database field associated with the editable HTML_AREA.

Even, onFocusLost is not getting triggered, which I thought to use to see what is the value it is printing.

Please let me know If I am doing anything wrong or we have a issue with this editor.
html_editor error.JPG
html_editor error.JPG (70.22 KiB) Viewed 7796 times

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Re: Editable HTML_AREA Focus lost Not working

Postby Andrei Costescu » Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:40 pm

Please create a case about this. It's probably a TinyMCE bug.
Maybe also click on the error some more to see where exactly it happens (it should show the file/line).
Andrei Costescu
Andrei Costescu
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Re: Editable HTML_AREA Focus lost Not working

Postby sovanm » Fri Jul 04, 2014 2:55 pm

A case has been created SVY-6809.

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Re: Editable HTML_AREA Focus lost Not working

Postby steve1376656734 » Thu Jan 15, 2015 9:50 pm

Hi Sovan,

I have looked at the bug you reported in Jira and can see that you asked about updating the TinyMCE version with the fix that was mentioned in the link. Did you ever find a way to apply that fix or change the version of TinyMCE that is used by Servoy?

SAN Developer
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Re: Editable HTML_AREA Focus lost Not working

Postby sovanm » Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:21 am

Hi Steve,

I am afraid, I did not find a way to use that fix or modify the default version shipped with servoy. The status is still open and unresolved in JIRA.So I guess they did not upgrade the version of TinyMCE.

Having said that, this implementation is on hold for my project as busy with some other implementation. So, I did not look at it for months now..

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Re: Editable HTML_AREA Focus lost Not working

Postby lvostinar » Mon Jan 19, 2015 5:14 pm

The TinyMCE issue is not fixed (http://www.tinymce.com/develop/bugtrack ... hp?id=3152) they say the workaround is not good. Do you have this issue with latest 7.4 Servoy? We currently have TinyMCE 4.0.20 .
Laurian Vostinar
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Re: Editable HTML_AREA Focus lost Not working

Postby steve1376656734 » Mon Jan 19, 2015 8:44 pm

We are running 7.4.2 build 2033 and the version of TinyMCE that is shipped with that is also 4.0.20 so I suspect the bug will still exist. I have managed to get V4.1.7 working with Servoy 7.4.2 by downloading it to the webapps/ROOT directory and adding the following call in my onSolutionOpen:
Code: Select all

This seems to override the built-in version of TinyMCE and allow us to access the newer features and bug fixes.

Hope this helps
SAN Developer
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